![Monster Attack by [Sands, Samie, Jr, Arnaldo, Wright, Dana, Lockwood, Andy, Higa, Sharon, Flak, Kyle, Hall, Kevin, Walker, Josh, Dibble, Kody, Mesnard, Matt]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/510RL6LeqmL.jpg)
Take Out by Arnaldo Lopez Jr
Squirrel by Dana Wright
Leave The Light On by Andy Lockwood
Nature’s Turn by Sharon L. Higa
The Skunk Ape by Kyle Flak
The Tentacled People by Kevin S. Hall
Knives Crossed by Josh Walker
Death’s Stasis by Kody Dibble
Affliction by Matt Mesnard
Jealous by Mathias Jansson
Day Of The Clowns by Lila L. Pinord
The Last House On The Block by John M. Wills
Consequence by Micheal Shaw
Thirsty by Debbie Johnson
It’s Not So Great by Victoria Pagac
Apocalysium by Alex Winck
Lupine Lament by Anthony V. Pugliese
Dana by Shakeen Winn
A Rejoinder by Preston Peet
By Pain Possessed by Randy Attwood
If You Go Down to the Woods Tonight by Matthew James Hamblin
Hunger by Stefan Vucak
My Encounter With A Mermaid by Anthony Modungwo
Have You Ever Been Afraid? by Cecilia Hernando Doldan
7th Gateway To Hell by Samie Sands
The Shongololo by Vered Ehsani
The Ermine by Robert Tozer